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Strong Demand for IT Security from Germany: genua GmbH Grows by 12.7 Percent

  • Company of The Bundesdruckerei Group Achieves an Increase in Sales Again in 2022

  • Government Requirements Create a Favorable Market Environment for High-Quality IT Security

  • Continuously Growing Demand for Secure Solutions for Mobile Work and Critical Infrastructure

Kirchheim near Munich, July 20, 2023. In fiscal year 2022, genua GmbH was once again able to increases its turnover – this time to 75.3 million euros (2021: 66.8 million euros). This means that over the last five years the German IT security specialist has recorded an average annual increase in growth of 22.5 percent (CAGR). In 2022, a significant proportion of this growth was due to genua's solution portfolios and infrastructure components for secure remote access. genua GmbH is part of the Bundesdruckerei Group and specializes in IT security for authorities, critical infrastructure, and other organizations that require a high level of protection against cyber attacks.

Although the coronavirus crisis ended some time ago, this has had little impact on the growing interest in setting up and expanding remote and home office workplaces. Last year, this trend reflected positively in the business performance of genua GmbH. Other growth drivers were the ongoing digitization in the process industry as well as the German IT Security Act 2.0 that came into force in 2021. Both significantly increased the demand for secure solutions among operators of industrial and critical infrastructure systems.

Growth Drivers and Potential in the IT Security Segment

For this reason, 2022 also proved to be a good year for the German IT security specialist. Marc Tesch, Managing Director of genua, is more than happy with the result: "In 2022, the turnover in the German IT sector increased by 6.6 percent. With an increase in sales of 12.7 percent – or 8.5 million euros – our business performance speaks for itself. In the more stringently regulated IT markets in particular, we were able to make huge gains."

Tesch has this to say about the growth drivers in the German market: "The legal minimum requirements on cybersecurity are constantly increasing. National obligations within the framework of the German IT Security Act as well as European legislative initiatives such as NIS 2.0 and the Cyber Resilience Act create a growing demand for our portfolio, which is designed to meet high security requirements. Further growth drivers are the continuing digitization of authorities as well as the need for greater digital sovereignty in Germany and Europe."

With regard to the industrial sector, Tesch adds: "With its 2030 Vision for Industry 4.0, the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection is promoting digitization in industry. Such strong ambitions provide genua with a further, innovative and attractive market environment because more and more machines and components used in companies are connected to the Internet and must be reliably protected."

Product Development and Research

In 2022, genua placed emphasis on the improvement and expansion of its existing range of products. Development focused on virtualized solutions, the approval and certification of the products for use in infrastructures with particularly high protection requirements, as well as research into network security and quantum resistance.

Zero Trust Remote Maintenance

Due to the increasing digitization of sensitive processes in IT and OT environments, zero trust concepts are becoming more and more important – also and especially in the context of secure remote accessibility. For this reason, since November of last year the virtualized remote maintenance solution genubox has also supported cloud-based identity systems from providers such as OKTA, Azure Active Directory or open source providers.

Approved Firewalls

In March of last year, the High Resistance Firewall genugate was again approved by the German Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) for use in environments involving data with the classification levels German VS-NfD, RESTREINT UE/EU RESTRICTED and NATO RESTRICTED. Furthermore, the current version also supports new automation features that reliably handle complex administration tasks over a large number of appliances. Government institutions and businesses with very high protection requirements can use genugate to securely consolidate and efficiently manage their IT infrastructures.

Network Security and Post-Quantum Cryptography

In 2022, genua was able to successfully continue its research activities for greater network security with projects such as WINTERMUTE, AI-NET-PROTECT, and VerSeCloud. The development of quantum-secure solutions also remains a key focus of research. In this context, the QuaSiModO project was successfully concluded in February 2023. The follow-up project AMiQuaSy (Agile Migration to Quantum-resistant Systems)) investigates how currently available means can be used to protect complex IT networks with high heterogeneity against quantum computers.

Photos and Image Caption

Marc Tesch and Matthias Ochs are the managing directors of genua GmbH



photos: genua GmbH

About genua

genua GmbH secures sensitive IT networks in the public and enterprise sectors, for critical infrastructure organizations and in industries with an obligation to maintain secrecy with highly secure and scalable cyber security solutions. In doing so, the company focuses on the comprehensive protection of networks, communication and internal network security for IT and OT. The range of solutions spans from firewalls and gateways, virtual private networks, remote maintenance systems, internal network security and cloud security to remote access solutions for mobile employees and home offices.

genua GmbH is a company of the Bundesdruckerei Group. With more than 400 employees, it develops and produces IT security solutions exclusively in Germany. Since the founding of the company in 1992, regular certifications and approvals from the German Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) provide proof of the high security and quality standards of the products. Customers include, among others, Arvato Systems, BMW, the German Armed Services, THW as well as the Würth Group.

Press Contact

genua GmbH
Martina Hafner

Domagkstr. 7
85551 Kirchheim bei München
M +49 171 56 92 523
E martina_hafner@genua.de

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[Translate to English:] Marc Tesch, genua GmbH