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Exciting Change of Perspective: Welcome to the Hacking Bootcamp

The Hacking Bootcamp is a three day workshop that realistically simulates the dangers of attacks to company networks or network infrastructures. On the basis of real scenarios, users learn how hackers operate and what tools they use. From the perspective of the attacker, you can better understand where vulnerable points may lie in your infrastructure and what safeguards are necessary.

Please note that we offer our regular Hacking Bootcamp only in German. English speaking workshops are avaible on request.

Topics of the genua Hacking Bootcamp

In a workshop, the participants slip into the role of an attacker or penetration tester and, using previously introduced tools and methods, attempt to access the critical company data of a fictional company.

The target is a realistically depicted virtual company network consisting of approximately 30 systems and constructed with various security zones, servers and client computers. Using a flexible sequence of operations, participants can surreptitiously access the web server, the Wi-Fi, internal web cams or even the general manager’s mobile phone. The elements of the workshop are as diverse as the approach used by real attackers!  

Other topics include information gathering and scanning for the identification of servers and services as well as web hacking. Here, we show you how confidential information can be read out using clever queries and how Metasploit is used. This is an established framework that identifies security gaps and is used for penetration tests. Participants consider the topic of "password (in)security" in this context as well as phishing tricks, Trojan horses, and attacks on apparently secure SSH and TLS connections. 

Your Instructor Team

Qualified and experienced genua employees serve as instructors in the Hacking Bootcamp. They are at your disposal for the duration of the workshop.

  • Andreas Hempel, Hacker
  • Carsten Arzig, Hacker
  • Raimund Specht, Hacker, OSCP, OSWP 

At a Glance: Structure of the Hacking Bootcamp

Duration & Workshop Times
three days, generally from Tuesday through Thursday,
daily from 9am until approx. 5:30pm; no later than 4:30pm on the last day

Number of Participants
no more than twelve persons

English speaking trainings are available on request. If you are interested in German speaking courses, please switch to our German website.

Price and Included Services
2,995EUR (net) per person, incl. comprehensive accompanying materials on fundamentals, protective measures, sample solutions and further information, including small snacks, cold and hot beverages as well as three à la carte lunches

Training Location
genua Training Center, Überrheinerstraße 5, 85551 Kirchheim near Munich (directions)
We would also be happy to hold individual workshops on-site. Simply contact us for more information

Pleasantly challenging.

Great course, highly recommended.

Very likeable and competent instructors.

Great landscape, lots to do.

Your Contact

Our training team
is happy to answer
your questions:

+ 49 89 991950-906
