genua is an Expert for the Protection of Complex and Critical Digital Infrastructures of Companies and Public Organizations.
Our Guiding Principle
The competent mastery of tasks faced by society as well as the establishment of new business models and the use of future technologies are based on an effective protection of digital infrastructures. A high level of IT security is necessary for laying the foundation for making courageous and creative decisions and for finding innovative solutions and opportunities in a dynamic world that is full of surprises and disruptions.
As an IT security company of the German federal government, we have a special responsibility for ensuring the information security for the citizens of the Federal Republic of Germany. We play an active role in shaping the technological and political framework conditions here for a secure information society. Our mission is to continuously improve central fields of activity in the digital transformation through our expertise.
To accomplish this, we combine a global perspective of the trends in IT security with intensively applied research, continuous further development of our products and solutions as well as excellent craftsmanship.
Our work here is guided by non-negotiable principles: integrity, reliability, sustainability, and commitment to employees and location. These values also define the framework for our company growth. With our ideas and products, we are continually improving security in the digital world. We provide no backdoors, but rather place top priority on a responsible collaboration. After all, we are convinced that technological potentials should be utilized and improved – we are working on this together with our employees, customers and partners.
What Sets Us Apart
We value diversity in every regard and offer an attractive perspective, both for those just getting started in the working world as well as those who are developing further professionally.
genua can look back on a successful history that spans more than 30 years and, as a company of the Bundesdruckerei Group, stands for stability and sustainability in a dynamic market.
Made in Germany
All of genua’s solutions are developed and produced in Germany and satisfy the highest national and international security standards.
Fairness, integrity and an appreciation of employees, customers and partners as well as a commitment to location and social responsibility are the core of our culture.
genua is among the world’s most renowned IT security experts for complex and critical digital infrastructures. We develop and optimize our solutions on the basis of certified quality management processes.
genufix – Our Trainee Firm Supports Social Projects
Innovation – genuas Research Projects
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Facts & Figures
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Service – Bootcamps and Product Training at genua
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genukids – Childcare with the Highest Standards
Our Sales Partners
genua works together trustfully and successfully with sales partners from various industries and market segments. Using their technological know-how and comprehensive expertise in their business fields, our partners precisely gather the requirements of our customers. They plan, realize and manage solutions that meet these requirements with the highest commitment to quality.
Our Customers
genua enjoys the trust of important national and international public organizations, public authorities and companies that operate critical infrastructures. Moreover, we protect central systems in the manufacturing industry and thereby make an important contribution to the successful implementation of Industry 4.0 initiatives as well as the secure introduction of pioneering technologies.
Our Network
genua works intensively with key governmental organizations, leading technology enterprises, research institutions, committees and associations. We are convinced that the successful establishment of a sustainable and future-proof IT security ecosystem requires a multidisciplinary approach based on partnership.
Our IT Security Ecosystem
The competence network of genua includes internationally renowned technology partners, associations and organizations as well as renowned cooperation partners from the further education sector. In exchange with these players, we continuously broaden our perspective and jointly create innovative approaches for the further development of IT security.
AFCEA | bayme vbm | Bitkom |
German Unix User Group (GUUG) e.V. | MÜNCHNER KREIS |
IT Security made in Germany |
Bundesverband IT-Sicherheit e.V. (TeleTrusT) |
VDMA e. V. | Zukunftsforum Öffentliche Sicherheit e.V. |
Sicherheitsnetzwerk München e.V. |
SOS-Kinderdörfer weltweit | Verein Lachen Helfen e. V.