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Your career with the leading IT security specialist. Munich – Berlin – Leipzig – Cologne – Stuttgart.

genua – Excellence in Digital Security

genua is among the leading experts for the protection of especially complex and critical IT infrastructures. As an essential part of our economy and society, these are time and again the target of new attacks – be it through new technologies or unscrupulous operators. We take on these threats.

With over 400 employees, we develop and implement pioneering IT security solutions to protect the ability of companies and public organizations to act. Furthermore, we help them to take advantage of the opportunities of the digital world.

genua plays a significant part in the development of IT security – especially in the context of central technologies such as AI, post-quantum-cryptography, the Internet of Things and the cloud.

Why genua as an employer?


Stable and Dynamic

As an independently operating subsidiary of the Bundesdruckerei Group, genua combines high financial and strategic stability with the dynamics of the IT security market.


Individual and Together

At genua, everyone can be who he or she is. We value the individual and welcome dialog from different perspectives. Our goal is always to find the best solution together.


Innovative and Strong in Research

genua plays a large role in shaping future-oriented IT security technologies. Both in research projects as well as in product development, teams of experienced experts and career starters ensure a mix of perspectives.


Recipient of Numerous

genua is regularly recognized for outstanding performance in the field of information security and innovative company culture.

Your Perspectives for a Career with genua

Your Start with Us

Already on the first day, you receive an initial training plan that is tailored both individually to you as well as to the requirements of your position.

Your further Development in the Company

Our employees are our most important strategic success factor. As an IT security company, we bundle highly specialized technical knowledge at genua. We are very proud of the wealth of experience, the commitment and the creative potential of our employees. We therefore place a great deal of value on maintaining and promoting these characteristics.

To precisely meet the respective training needs of each individual, a wide range of methods is important: In addition to classic seminar offerings, personal development also takes place with us in the form of, among other things, e-learning, internal technical presentations, mentoring by experienced colleagues or coaching.

Management Track and Specialist Careers in the genua Team

A career at genua is not necessarily synonymous with a classic management track. Our specialist career track offers development perspectives with focus on your technical expertise: In the form of the career levels Senior Expert and genua Fellow, it offers employees from all areas of the company an equivalent to a management track. These levels correspond to a group or department head. In concrete terms, this means that these two positions are at the same level as the corresponding management positions, and a specialist takes on tasks with a similar level of responsibility as a manager even if not responsible for personnel.

Services & Benefits: What We Offer Our Employees

Our mission is to create an inspiring and stimulating working environment for our team that opens long-term perspectives, development opportunities and creative freedom. To this end, we place value on, among other things …

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Flexible Working Hours

Our employees can adapt their work time to the needs of their current life phase, for example working remotely from home.

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Profit Sharing

If our company is successful, our employees also benefit.

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For the children of our employees aged three months to ten years, our in-house childcare center genukids is available. We also provide support during holidays and on short notice.

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Operational Health Management

Our team can take advantage of various measures such as flu vaccines and a relaxation room or participate in the company run, B2Run.

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GeekWeek and other Employee Events

Twice per year – during GeekWeek – our employees from the "Products" area tinker away on new ideas and technologies far removed from the day-to-day business. In addition, we hold events for the entire team, such as summer festivals, Christmas parties, pizza parties and release parties.

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Dogs in the Office

Four-legged friends that are fit for the office enrich daily life at all of genua’s company locations.

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Free Beverages and Fruit

Both hot and cold beverages as well as fruit are available to our employees at no charge.

Current Awards

Half a year of parental leave as a manager and everything is in the same place when you return? Flexibility when negotiating working hours if the family situation requires it? It's not a dream, this is genua.

Hans Hein, Head of Enterprise Solutions

Emergency in the family, overnight I had to deal with a difficult situation. An understanding supervisor and helpful colleagues were always there for me during this time.

Peter Schäfer, Partner Manager Sales

Professionals & Career Starters

We believe that technology must make our world a better and safer place. IT security is more than just a protective shield here – it is the prerequisite for ensuring that social and entrepreneurial visions and ideas can be implemented. genua therefore ensures that complex and critical IT infrastructures are effectively defended and new technologies can develop to their full potential.

We are looking for team players for this challenging task. We offer both experienced experts as well as those just getting started with their career an inspiring work environment with a great deal of freedom for new ideas, an open and collaborative work culture with flat hierarchies, exciting projects and opportunities for both personal as well as professional further development.

Training & Dual Studies

We offer career starters more than just off-the-peg training: From day one, you will be involved in exciting projects as part of the team and contribute to developing solutions for current IT security challenges. You can also contribute your strengths and ideas to the genufix trainee company, which is managed independently by our trainees and students.

Would you like to start your working life right after graduating from school? We train IT specialists for system integration and application development. We also offer apprenticeships for IT systems management, office management and marketing communication.

Are you on your way to the (technical) university entrance qualification and would like to start a course of study with practical relevance? Then talk to us about a dual study program at genua. In just four and a half years you will learn a profession (FiSi, FiAn or MATSE) and complete a bachelor's degree in computer science. 

genua always offers me new, exciting challenges and development options - you have the chance and the space to grow together with genua.

Gabriele Meier, Head of Department Sales

At genua, I acquired a great deal of new and extensive knowledge in just a short amount of time. In addition, I feel valued and respected.

Yesim Ekiz, Junior Communications Manager

Pupils & Students

During our internship weeks, students get a first impression of interesting topics in the IT working world: Together with our trainees, they program, encrypt information or find out what is important in the technical training professions when handling hardware. We also regularly organize a Girls' Day especially for female students. Here they learn everything about our apprenticeships and study opportunities, solve small programming tasks and exchange information with colleagues from our team about everyday working life at genua. 

Are you already in the middle of your studies and would like to apply your knowledge in the real working world? At genua this opportunity is open to you in working student jobs, internships or in the form of a practice-related thesis. In any case, we value the fact that you can contribute your skills and ideas as part of a team. The field of application can be any area of the company - for example product development, quality assurance, sales or marketing. If no suitable position is currently advertised, we look forward to receiving your unsolicited application.

Students are fully integrated into our teams and everyday work. If you feel like taking responsibility and contributing ideas from the very beginning, genua is the right place for you!

Johanna Schrögel, Human Relations