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IT Security at the Highest Level: infodas Is Now genua's Expert Partner

  • Technology partnership for hardware and software 

  • The result of many years of strategic collaboration 

  • A holistic approach to IT security  

Kirchheim near Munich, July 23, 2024 – genua GmbH (genua), a leading provider of highly secure IT security solutions and part of the Bundesdruckerei Group, has named INFODAS GmbH (infodas) as one of its Expert partners – the highest level in the genua partner program. Marc Tesch, Managing Director of genua, presented Thorsten Ecke, Managing Director of infodas, with the Expert partnership certificate at the World Conference Center in Bonn during the 37th AFCEA, one of the most important German IT trade fairs for defense and security.  

With this step, the two German technology leaders have strengthened their long-established, active partnership of equals. The aim is to leverage synergies – especially in sales – and to work together to develop new solutions for IT security and information security. Already, the best-of-breed solutions from genua and infodas have very good reputations and are the subject of highly positive customer testimonials. 

genua and infodas: Combined Security Solutions "Made in Germany"

infodas is a leading solution provider for cyber and information security in Germany. In March 2024, the company was acquired by Airbus Defense and Space but remains an independent brand. For 50 years, infodas has been developing cyber security products and establishing IT and cyber security consulting for the public sector, the defense industry and critical infrastructures. The company has been certified by the German Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) as an IT security service provider in the areas of information system audits, consulting and penetration tests. 

The solutions provided by infodas perfectly complement genua's portfolio of advanced high-security solutions for sensitive IT infrastructures, e.g., in the public sector, in critical infrastructure companies and in industries with an obligation to maintain secrecy. Together, genua and infodas provide customer-specific, combined hardware and software security solutions that are "Made in Germany" and meet the highest standards. 

Pooled Expertise 

"As technology partners, genua and infodas are connected by a long-standing strategic collaboration defined by a high level of specialist expertise and successful business development," says Marc Tesch, Managing Director of genua. "infodas is one of the most important of the partners that integrate our solutions and in doing so create a lot of added value for our joint customers." Especially when it comes to demanding target markets in which IT infrastructure solutions must meet the highest security requirements, infodas has proven itself to be an extremely reliable and innovative partner. 

"genua's awarding of the title of Expert partner highlights the successful collaboration between our companies. At the same time, it is an expression of our joint vision of providing the best possible cyber security products for protecting particularly sensitive IT infrastructures," explains Thorsten Ecke, Managing Director of infodas. "As technology leaders in their respective fields, infodas and genua complement each other perfectly for this task."

About the genua Partner Program

Collaborating with selected partners has been part of genua's DNA for many years now. With the genua partner program, genua has laid the foundations for efficient partner support so that IT security projects are designed and implemented to the satisfaction of joint customers. "Expert" is the highest of four partner levels. 

genua Experts regularly obtain qualifications through selected product-specific training sessions. They have detailed knowledge of the genua portfolio and help customers with the selection, purchase and implementation as well as operation and maintenance of genua technologies. In addition to genua technologies, Expert partners also offer customized services that ensure that the customer's IT infrastructure continues to run smoothly. 

Together with its partners, genua GmbH stands for Excellence in Digital Security. 


Michael Eckstein
Presse & PR
genua GmbH 
T +49 89 991950 527
E michael_eckstein@genua.de

Daniel Schnichels
Marketing & PR
T +49 221 70912 420
E d.schnichels@infodas.de

Über genua

Die genua GmbH mit Sitz in Kirchheim bei München sichert sensitive IT-Netzwerke im Public- und im Enterprise-Sektor, bei KRITIS-Organisationen und in der geheimschutzbetreuten Industrie mit hochsicheren und skalierbaren Cyber-Security-Lösungen. Dabei fokussiert sich das Unternehmen auf den umfassenden Schutz von Netzwerken, Kommunikation und interne Netzwerksicherheit für IT und OT. Das Lösungsspektrum umfasst Firewalls und Gateways, Virtual Private Networks, Fernwartungssysteme, interne Netzwerksicherheit und Cloud Security bis hin zu Remote-Access-Lösungen für mobiles Arbeiten und Homeoffice. 

Die genua GmbH ist ein Unternehmen der Bundesdruckerei-Gruppe. Mit mehr als 400 Mitarbeitern entwickelt und produziert sie IT-Security-Lösungen ausschließlich in Deutschland. Seit der Unternehmensgründung 1992 belegen regelmäßige Zertifizierungen und Zulassungen durch das Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik (BSI) den hohen Sicherheits- und Qualitätsanspruch der Produkte. Zu den Kunden zählen u.a. Arvato Systems, BMW, die Bundeswehr, das THW sowie die Würth-Gruppe. 

Über infodas 

Die INFODAS GmbH wurde 1974 gegründet und ist einer der führenden Lösungsanbieter für Cyber- und Informationssicherheit in Deutschland. Der mittelständische Cybersecurity-Spezialist unterstützt und berät Unternehmen, Behörden und das Militär mit Dienstleistungen bei der Konzeption und Umsetzung umfassender Lösungen zur Cyber- und Informationssicherheit und zum Schutz von IT-Infrastrukturen. Darüber hinaus entwickelt das Unternehmen Hochsicherheitsprodukte für Domänenübergänge (Cross Domain Solutions) zur Absicherung Kritischer Infrastrukturen in der EU und in NATO-Staaten nach höchsten Zertifizierungsvorgaben und Standards. Neben dem Hauptsitz in Köln unterhält das Unternehmen Niederlassungen in Berlin, Bonn, Hamburg und München.  

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infodas is now an expert partner of genua.

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