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genua Bundles Best-of-Breed Solutions for Mobile Working Compliant with Classification Level German VS-NfD

  • genusecure Suite integrates highly secure VPN Client genuconnect with hard drive encryption from Utimaco
  • software bundle enables authorities to quickly set up user-friendly classified remote workplaces 
  • customers can obtain the integrated software bundle from a single source

Kirchheim near Munich, 8. Mai 2024 – As part of a collaboration, the Bundesdruckerei subsidiary genua GmbH is now offering an integrated software package that enables mobile working compliant with classification level German VS-NfD. genusecure Suite consists of the VPN Software Client genuconnect from genua, the hard drive encryption for laptops DiskEncrypt from Aachen-based company Utimaco, and the smart card middleware Personal Desktop Client from Nexus. Customers can now obtain the entire package from a single source – genua – and quickly set up user-friendly classified remote workplaces in accordance with the requirements of the German Federal Office for Information Security (BSI). 

With genusecure Suite, genua addresses the persistently high demand from authorities and governmental organizations for flexible yet secure workplaces that allow remote work anytime, anywhere. Setting up user-friendly remote work infrastructures for information with classification level German VS-NfD, often for thousands of employees, is a particularly challenging task for those responsible for IT.  

Fully Integrated Solution for Remote Work Compliant with Classification Level German VS-NfD

With genusecure Suite, authorities have a fully integrated software package that meets the highest security standards. The VPN Software Client genuconnect from genua enables automatic setup of a highly secure VPN connection followed by highly secure data transmission between laptops or tablets with Microsoft Windows 10 or 11 and an internal network belonging to the customer. Mobile devices are therefore secured against unauthorized access, regardless of the user's location. The solution delivers high security without compromising on performance, administrative effort or usability. Users work with the standard Windows interface without an additional layer. genuconnect can easily be scaled for infrastructures with more than 100,000 VPN clients. The solution is approved for classification levels German VS-NfD, NATO RESTRICTED, and RESTREINT UE/EU RESTRICTED. 

The hard drive encryption DiskEncrypt meets the BSI's requirements and was developed by Utimaco especially for German authorities and industries that are required to maintain secrecy. The sector-based hard drive encryption combines reliable partition encryption with simple user guidance and high data security, without reducing performance. It is approved for the classification level German VS-NfD, as well as the classification levels EU RESTRICTED and NATO RESTRICTED. 

The smart card middleware Nexus Personal Desktop Client offers users secure multi-factor authentication and digital signatures. It is very convenient to use and offers security tokens as well as features such as e-mail encryption. Authentication and signing take place in standard applications such as browsers, e-mail clients and the Windows login process. 

Further information: 

Image captions:

  • Image: secure mobile working  © genua 

About genua

Based in Kirchheim near Munich, genua GmbH secures sensitive IT networks in the public and enterprise sectors, for critical infrastructure organizations and in industries with an obligation to maintain secrecy with highly secure and scalable cyber security solutions. In doing so, the company has been focusing on the comprehensive protection of networks, communication and internal network security for IT and OT for more than 30 years. The range of solutions spans from firewalls and gateways, virtual private networks, remote maintenance systems, internal network security and cloud security to remote access solutions for mobile work and the home office. 

genua GmbH is a company of the Bundesdruckerei Group. With more than 400 employees, it develops and produces IT security solutions exclusively in Germany. Since the founding of the company in 1992, regular certifications and approvals from the German Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) provide proof of the high security and quality standards of the products. Customers include, among others, Arvato Systems, BMW, the German Armed Services, THW as well as the Würth Group. 

Press Contact

genua GmbH 
Martina Hafner
Presse & PR 
T +49 171 56 92 523 
E martina_hafner@genua.de