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ICAP / genua Reduces Malware Risk with Remote Updates via Remote Maintenance Access

  • Rendezvous-based solution enables secure, browser-based remote maintenance, even on security-critical systems

  • Machine and plant manufacturers receive even more flexibility for secure remote service

Nuremberg, Germany, October 12, 2023, it-sa – In addition to its proven native Microsoft Windows app for its remote maintenance solution genubox, the German IT security specialist genua now also supports remote access via a web interface. This makes remote maintenance even more independent of time and location and of the operating system of the remote maintenance client. Even mobile remote maintenance sessions on security-critical machines and plants while underway, e.g., via the browser of a tablet PC, can be performed with genubox with reliable protection.

Secure Access from Every Device

The new web interface for genubox enables the https-based establishment of a remote desktop connection to a rendezvous server to initiate a pre-configured remote maintenance session. The identity verification of the user is performed via identity providers such as OKTA, Microsoft Entra ID or Keycloak using the OpenID Connect identity protocol. The genubox rendezvous server can thereby be located in the demilitarized zone (DMZ) of the LAN operator, of the remote maintenance provider or in the cloud.

Following successful login and if the remote maintenance session was approved by the plant operator, remote maintenance providers then see by means of RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol), VNC or SSH (Secure Socket Shell) all connected target systems for which they have been authorized. The genubox solution offers very granular control that can be used to specify which remote maintenance provider can access which target system and with which application. It thereby supports modern zero trust concepts.

Rendezvous Architecture is State of the Art

As a rendezvous-based solution, the genubox remote maintenance corresponds to the gold standard for secure remote maintenance architectures recommended by the German Mechanical Engineering Industry Association (VDMA). It also satisfies all BSI recommendations for secure remote maintenance in industrial environments. Depending on customer requirements, hardware-based, visualized or hybrid setups are possible.

Further information
    • Product page for remote maintenance with genubox

Image Caption

The new web interface for genubox remote maintenance from genua enables the highly secure, https-based establishment of a remote desktop connection to a rendezvous server.

Image: Laptop web interface for genubox remote maintenance


Image: Tablet web interface for genubox remote maintenance


© genua GmbH

About genua

genua GmbH secures sensitive IT networks in the public and enterprise sectors, for critical infrastructure organizations and in industries with an obligation to maintain secrecy with highly secure and scalable cyber security solutions. In doing so, the company focuses on the comprehensive protection of networks, communication and internal network security for IT and OT. The range of solutions spans from firewalls and gateways, VPNs, remote maintenance systems, internal network security and cloud security to remote access solutions for mobile employees and home offices. 

genua GmbH is a subsidiary of the Bundesdruckerei Group. With more than 400 employees, it develops and produces IT security solutions exclusively in Germany. Since the founding of the company in 1992, regular certifications and approvals from the German Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) provide proof of the high security and quality standards of the products. Customers include, among others, Arvato Systems, BMW, the German Armed Services, THW as well as the Würth Group.

Press Contacts

Kafka Kommunikation GmbH & Co. KG
Mona Bastian
Dr. Torben Gülstorff
E genua@kafka-kommunikation.de
T +49 89 74747058-0

genua GmbH
Martina Hafner
Press & PR
T +49 171 56 92 523
E martina_hafner@genua.de

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